Science, Technologie & Society in S6

As part of the 'Science, Technology and Society', Biology 4 and Chemistry 4 S6 French-speaking courses, Mr Yemsi and Mr Duquenne welcomed Mr Gubitosa from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Mr Gubitosa, a doctoral researcher, led two 1.5 hour sessions with the students to work on the processes involved in constructing scientific information.

These sessions were part of a doctoral research project in which the pupils provided results that would enrich the work of Mr Gubitosa, who has already undertaken to come and present his results next year.

In the form of quizzes, group work and oral presentations, the students were confronted with the reality of collective research and false scientific information.

On the basis of questionnaires drawn up and used by Eurostat at European level on the validity of scientific information, the S6 French-speaking students are contributing to the construction of statistics that include a young audience.

These sessions served to emphasise the importance of the quality of data collection and of the data itself in constructing scientific information. Pupils were encouraged to develop their critical faculties in the face of confidence in tools such as conversational AI.

The aim of these 2 sessions is to provide elements of intellectual self-defence in the face of false scientific information.