Higher education & Alumni

For all information regarding UCAS and UK universities, please contact Denise Baines: denise.baines@teacher.eursc.eu.    


Attention! Enrolments for higher education in France from the 22nd of January to the 1st of March. The official deadline is the 14th of March finalizing your file takes time! For any further information, do not hesitate to write to or make an appointment with Mr. David Métivier (david.metivier@teacher.eursc.eu).

Filière franco-allemande de l'INSA Strasbourg
Etudes supérieures en Europe - Euroguidance (read-only !)
Incidence des notes de S6 sur les dossiers d’inscription en France
Planning de l'orientation francophone 2021/2022
Information sur les études supérieures en France - Parcoursup
Paiement Parcoursup
Sites utiles de l'orientation
Etudier à Montréal





Higher education events are advertised on the homepage of our website.

Alumni Europae ASBL is the association for former students of the European Schools. It aims to unite and reunite former students, as well as parents, teachers and staff from all European Schools, by putting like-minded people in touch on a social and professional level. Alumni Europae gives you an opportunity to research university and career options, to develop your future based on our members' broad experiences, and keep in touch with people you have shared so much with over the years, not to mention forge new friendships with other alumni from across the world.