International Women's Day

The school celebrates International Women's Day with a special event.

On 10 March, Woluwe primary school pupils celebrated International Women's Day with a series of enriching and inspiring activities. The P5 PTA class was responsible for organising the event, which was attended by Dr Helena Soares from the European Commission's Gender Equality Unit, who gave a talk on the importance of gender equality in contemporary society.

In addition to the conference, the pupils had the opportunity to present an exhibition of work on this theme, which demonstrates their creativity and reflection on the role of women in society. The exhibition brought together illustrations, texts and other materials produced by the pupils.

Another memorable activity was the creative writing workshop, where the pupils produced a collective poem in honour of International Women's Day. The poem, full of sensitivity and inspiring messages, was then recorded and broadcast on the school radio, allowing the whole school community to benefit from this wonderful initiative.

The event emphasised the importance of reflecting on women's rights and the need to promote gender equality in the school environment. The initiative was met with great enthusiasm and participation, demonstrating the commitment of pupils and teachers to this important cause.


Mulher é poesia mágica.
Quando abre os olhos, é o pôr do sol a nascer.
A sua voz encanta o mundo,
e das suas lágrimas nascem as ondas da maresia.

Cada palavra que diz ecoa nos nossos corações.
Sem ela, o mundo seria sem cor.
Mulher, que pintas de cores vivas a justiça
com as mãos cansadas de tudo o que já passou.

As mulheres são como alpinistas,
sempre a batalhar para chegar ao topo da montanha.
Lutam para conquistar os seus direitos,
pois a sua voz tem o poder de revolucionar,
o poder de amar, o poder de mudar a história.

Que a força feminina irrompa da escuridão
e que as mulheres guerreiras tragam a semente da justiça,
refletindo sonhos e sorrisos.

A mulher é leve como uma flor,
mas forte como uma tempestade.
Como o Sol, nunca se apaga.
Ilumina o seu próprio caminho
e sustenta o mundo com o seu coração profundo.

Mulher, nasceste para ser livre,
ninguém te pode prender nem calar.
O mundo espera por ti,
cheio de cores e possibilidades.
Liberta-te, e encontrarás a tua verdadeira casa.

Mulher, construída de amor, liberdade, justiça e força.
Uma alma guerreira, com um sorriso
capaz de irradiar luz como uma estrela.
Cresce com coragem, pois a tua chama nunca se apaga.
Mereces ser livre e respeitada.

As mulheres são poesia,
e estão cheias de alegria.
Que a tua inocência e poder preencham o mundo,
e que no céu transpareça a força feminina.
A mulher é uma voz essencial na humanidade.

(English translation)


A woman is magical poetry.
When she opens her eyes, it's sunset rising.
Her voice enchants the world,
and from her tears come the waves of the sea.

Every word she says echoes in our hearts.
Without her, the world would be colourless.
Woman who paints justice in vivid colours
with hands weary of all that has gone before.

Women are like mountain climbers,
always battling to reach the top of the mountain.
They fight to win their rights,
because their voice has the power to revolutionise,
the power to love, the power to change history.

May feminine strength burst forth from the darkness
and may women warriors bear the seeds of justice,
reflecting dreams and smiles.

A woman is as light as a flower,
but strong as a storm.
Like the sun, she never goes out.
She lights her own path
and sustains the world with her deep heart.

Woman, you were born to be free,
no one can hold you back or silence you.
The world awaits you,
full of colours and possibilities.
Free yourself and you will find your true home.

Woman, built of love, freedom, justice and strength.
A warrior soul, with a smile
capable of radiating light like a star.
Grow with courage, because your flame never goes out.
You deserve to be free and respected.

Women are poetry,
and full of joy.
May your innocence and power fill the world,
and may feminine strength shine through the sky.
Women are an essential voice in humanity.