Career guidance S2-S7
Careers guidance is an essential part of education, particularly so in the European Schools given the complexity of the choices available and the fact that a significant number of pupils are not educated in their country of origin. European School pupils have considerable educational mobility. Pupils and their families need advice and support when making subject choices in S3 and S5, and S6 and S7 pupils need to receive accurate and up-to-date information about Higher Education opportunities. In many cases careers guidance teachers have to process pupils’ applications for higher education. Every European School has its own pupil population with specific needs. This is the reason why it is essential that the schools should be able to decide at local level how careers guidance is organised.
Higher education S6-S7
Pre-registration for higher education in France via Parcoursup must be completed by 26/11/2024. For any further information, do not hesitate to write to or make an appointment with Mr. David Métivier (
Filière franco-allemande de l'INSA Strasbourg
Etudes supérieures en Europe - Euroguidance (read-only !)
Incidence des notes de S6 sur les dossiers d’inscription en France
Procédure Parcoursup 2025
Sites utiles de l'orientation: Parcoursup - Onisep - Terminales
Etudier à Montréal
Flyer for the Fair about studying in France - 14.12.2024
Contact person: Elvira Lopez -